NKG2A Is a Therapeutic Vulnerability in Immunotherapy Resistant MHC-I Heterogeneous Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
AACR Cancer Discovery. March, 2024

Improved Durability of Ti3C2Tz at Potentials above the Reversible Hydrogen Electrode by Tantalum Substitution.
Advanced functional Materials. March, 2024

Discoveries gleaned from human
ancient DNA.
Nature. January, 2024.

Ultrasensitive Detection of Circulating LINE-1 ORF1p as a Specific Multicancer Biomarker.
AACR Cancer Discovery. January, 2024.

Pan-Cancer Comparative and Integrative Analyses of Driver Alterations Using Japanese and International Genomic Databases.
AACR Cancer. January, 2024.

A trifecta of cover-worthy research: Working toward more efficient catalysts.
ACS Publications. January, 2024.

Fibroblasts inflammatory priming determines regenerative versus fibrotic skin repair in Reindeer.
UCalgary. December, 2023.

ENSO sentinels in the Americas’ humid tropics: We need combined hydrometric and isotopic monitoring for improved El Niño and La Niña impact prediction.
University of Texas Arlington. December, 2023.

Air Canada Tests Jet De-Icing Strips to End Blasts of Glycol.
De-lce. December, 2023.

Laser & Photonics Reviews: Bragg Solitons – Historical and Future Perspectives.
LP Journal. December, 2023.

G trifecta of cover-worthy research: An advance for ‘e-ink’ displays.
ACS Journal. November, 2023.

How neutron Imaging uncovers hidden secret of fossils and artifacts:
Science News. November, 2023.

The search for habitable planets expands.
University of Michigan. November, 2023.

End-to-end differentiable construction of molecular mechanics force fields.
Royal society of chemistry. October, 2023.

How do we provide meaning to our environment? Cracking the neural code to the brain.
Medium. October, 2023.

Cancer Discovery.
AACR Cancer Discovery. October, 2023.

SAMDI Mass Spectrometry and ASMS Screening.
SCORR. October, 2023.

A trifecta of cover-worthy research: Working toward more efficient catalysts.
ACS Journal. October, 2023.

Low-Cost, High-Pressure-Synthesized Oxygen-Entrapping Materials to Improve Treatment of Solid Tumors.
Advanced science, Open Access. September, 2023.

Gravitational Lensing: Black Holes.
Effective research sharing. September, 2023.

Study proves the difficulty of simulating random quantum circuits for classical computers.
PhysOrg. September, 2023.

Surface Water Treatment Process.
Tempe Arizona. September, 2023.

Next Generation Water Observing System Conceptual Diagram.
USGS. August, 2023.

From synapse to silicon.
George Washington University. July, 2023.

Nature reviews: materials.
Springer Nature. July, 2023.

Stanford engineers present new chip that ramps up AI computing efficiency.
Stanford News. August, 2023.

Unlocking Photonic Computing Power with Artificial ‘Life’.
Caltech. June, 2023.

A vision transformer for decoding surgical activity.
Nature. June, 2023.

Inside-Out Heating and Ambient Wind Could Make Direct Air Capture Cheaper and More Efficient.
Georgia Institute of Technology. June, 2023.

The river masters: Hippos are the nutrient kingpins of Africa’s waterways.
Science. April, 2023.

Leading discoveries: Immunotherapy Visionary.
AACR. March, 2023.

Oral Carbon Monoxide Enhances Autophagy Modulation inProstate, Pancreatic, and Lung Cancers.
Advanced science, Open Access. January, 2023.

Cutting-edge research for a greener sustainable future.
Royal Society of chemistry. January, 2023.

Research Reveals The Thinnest Possible Ladder Steps Made Of Distinct Electric Potentials.
Qlmgtau. November, 2022.

Decoupling sliding polarizations.
Nature. November, 2022.

Dr. Belizán discovered a unique association between high calcium intake and lower risk of gestational hypertension disorders (HDP) in Guatemalan Mayan women.
Gairdner Foundation. October, 2022.

Measurement-induced entanglement and teleportation on a noisy quantum processor.
Nature. October, 2022

Reimagining the cental Dogma.
UC Santa barbara. October, 2022

3D Bioprinted in vitro Model of Neuroblastoma.
Advanced Science, Open Access. August, 2022.

Pluto’s Icy Kingdom.
Science News. August, 2022.

Breaking the seal.
Nature. July, 2022.

Scalable Thousand Channel Penetrating Microneedle Arrays on Flex for Multimodal and Large Area Coverage BrainMachine Interface.
Advanced functional materials. June, 2022.

Sequential, low-temperature aqueous synthesis of Ag–In–S/Zn quantum dots via staged cation exchange under biomineralization condition.
Royal society of chemistry. June, 2022.

Leading discoveries: At the leading edge.
AACR. June, 2022.

How physicists are probing the Higgs boson 10 years after its discovery.
Science News. June, 2022.

New Photonic Chip “Squeezes” More out of Light.
Caltech. June, 2022.

Characterizing Nonuniform Hydrogel Elastic Moduli Using Autofluorescence.
ACS publications. May, 2022.

Human cell atlas: Mapping cell identity across tissues and organs.
Science Magazine. May, 2022.

Muons spill secrets about Earth’s hidden structures.
Science News. April, 2022.

Applied materials & interfaces.
ACS. April, 2022.

Featuring work from the Soft Matter Research Laboratory of Professor Alireza Abbaspoourrad at Cornell University, USA.
Lab on a Chip. April, 2022.

Leading discoveries: Bringing research to life.
AACR. March, 2022.

Infographic: putting cancer’s unique microbiomes to use.
The scientist. March, 2022.

USF COMIT mapping.
USF. December, 2021.

Sci Worms.
The Scientist. December, 2021.

AACR Launches Cancer Research Communications.
AACR. October, 2021.

Blood Cancer Discovery.
AACR. September, 2021.

Leading discoveries:A singular persistence.
AACR. June, 2021.

Global Plastic Pollution Observation System to Aid Policy.
Environmental Science and Technology. June, 2021.

Leading discoveries: The urgency of inclusion.
AACR. March, 2021.

Magnetic levitation for separating biosistems.
Cell Press. March, 2021.

Neural Vision.
Galit Pelled. February, 2021.

Ocean 2050.
Douglas McCauley of Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory. February, 2021.

Norway Microplastics.
January, 2021.
2020 and earlier

Leading discoveries: Recognizing cancer’s complexities.
AACR. November, 2020.

Limited Environmental Serine and Glycine Confer Brain Metastasis Sensitivity to PHGDH Inhibition.
AACR. September, 2020.

Gel that breaks down, puts itself back together could improve delivery of oral drugs.
Royal society of chemistry. July, 2020.

Quantum repairs.
Science News. June, 2020.

Treating sleep apnea with pills instead of machines.
Knowable magazine. April, 2020.

Satellite Swarms: New fleets of private satellites are clogging the night sky.
Science News. March, 2020.

Power Grid.
Science News. February, 2020.

New fossils are redefining what makes a dinosaur.
Science News. February, 2020.

Leading discoveries: A focus on Helping patients.
AACR. November, 2019.

Cutting-edge research for a greener sustainable future.
Royal society of chemistry. August, 2019.

Black Hole Stellar Stars.
NSF. July, 2019.

Cosmic questions: the unsiverse’s greatest riddles.
Sky & Telescope. May, 2019.

MS ALS HERV Viral Proteins.
The Scientist. January, 2019.

Theranostics: the forum for diagnosis, imaging and thrapy research.
Theranostics. November, 2018.

Leading discoveries: power of convergence.
AACR. November, 2018.

Leading discoveries: A global perspective.
AACR. November, 2018.

Bringing pancreas cancer into the lab.
AAACR. September, 2018.

Biennal report to congress: investing in diverse community voices.
CEOSE. April, 2018.

Leading discoveries: Prevention research pioneer.
AACR. April, 2018.

Origin of the Universe.
NSF. February, 2018.

Icecube Neutrino Detector.
NSF + IceCube. January, 2018.

November, 2017.

Tangled Paths: Species are not as distinct as textbooks would have us believe.
Science News. November, 2017.

Nuclear shakedown.
Science News. August, 2017.

Sweet disguise: scientists target the sugars that hide cancer cells.
Science News. April, 2017.

Junior ranger Activity Book: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.
National Park Service – U.S Department of the interior. March, 2017.

Dino’s Doomsday
Science News. February, 2017.

Waiting for amasia.
Science News. January, 2017.

Cosmic vibrations.
Science News. March, 2016.

DNA Nanoparticles: Highly PEGylated DNA Nanoparticles Provide Uniform and Widespread Gene Transfer in the Brain.
Advanced Healthcare Materials.
May, 2015

Solo Voyagers: planets without starts may be surprising common.
Science News. April, 2015.

Shaky Solutions: deep carbon storage may help climate but could also trigger earthquakes.
Science News. January, 2015.

Swallow Drones.
Science News. January, 2015.

Vagus Nerve.
Science News. November, 2015.

Celebrating Einstein’s gravity.
Science News. October, 2015.

Planet X: The hunt for a hidden world far beyond Neptune.
Science News. November, 2014.

Rocky Redirect: Nasa’s odd plan to prep for Mars: Snag an asteroid.
Science News. August, 2014.

Cancer Therapy: Vaginal Delivery of Paclitaxel via Nanoparticles with Non-Mucoadhesive Surfaces Suppresses Cervical Tumor Growth.
Advanced Healthcare Materials. July, 2014.

Mix to Validate: A Facile, Reversible PEGylation for Fast Screening of Potential Therapeutic Proteins In Vivo.
Wiley, Online library. July, 2013.

Tracking cell death.
Nature, materials. March, 2013.

Microfluidic Circuits: Self-Sorting of Deformable Particles in an Asynchronous Logic Microfluidic Circuit.
Wiley, Online library. March, 2013.

Journal of virology.
American society for microbology. June, 2012.

Born giants: how the solar system planets came to be science news. Science News. May, 2012.

Stowers Report Spring.
Stowers institute for medical research. May, 2012

Cosmic questions: the unsiverse’s greatest riddles.
Science News. April, 2011.

Eat thyself: cellular cannibalism in health and disease.
Science News. March, 2011.

Science News of the Year.
Science News. January, 2011.

Nanobots in motion.
Science News. September, 2010.